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  • AutorenbildKrisztian Weinzierl

Democracy in danger? - My quiet doubts on Hungary's emergency law

Hey Yardies, today I keep it in english. Hope, you're doing all good in these hard days!? Besides of the Corona-Crisis serious things are happening also in my home country Hungary. I made a post in my private family group in Facebook and my dad was so kind to translate it to english. ;) So, I just want to share these words with you.

Hi guys, Politics, within the family, does not mix well, generally. In current times, our generation faces the largest crisis since the second World War... during these hard times it is very important for us to be united and to help each other. I feel I need to add my personal thoughts to these historical times. I would start with the 1988 events, when the Iron Curtain finally fell and Hungary opened its borders to the West. I have to mention here, that Hungary played a major role in the German unification. I remember, József Antal, who had the trust and the hope of the nation, who faced a tragic and untimely death. All Hungarians were highly energized by a level of pride and enthusiasm, I haven't seen since. In the past decades, I also experienced (and it was well accentuated in school) what it is like to process our past. How was (or could've been) the life under Hitler and the deep wounds his dictatorship left to this day in the German society. Unfortunately we, (Hungarians) since 1990, were not able to truly process our past. They dumped on us both, the democracy and capitalism at the same time. Nearing drowning many felt that the water might be all nice and clear, but they didn't care for it, they felt more comfortable on the shore, with familiar grounds under their feet. We've been heading this direction. Now more so than ever. Let's think about during these home bound days, what our future will look like. What does freedom mean? What is democracy? What is equality? What kind of society we would want to live in? Or we could just reflect on the feelings we had in 1989. We do not want to move towards a dark, closed, dictatorial regime. My hope and wish is to keep our freedom, humanity, compassionate helpfulness and an open heart. And most importantly: Take care of yourselves! Krisz #coronacrisis #hungary #emergencylaw #notstandsgesetz #felhatalmazasitörveny #democracy #dictatorship

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